Fledgelings Nursery Local SEN offer.
- How does the setting identify children with additional needs or Special Educational and Disability Needs?
All staff members in the setting are trained in developmental norms so as to be able to identify where there maybe delay in a child’s progress. Children’s progress is monitored through the observation, assessment and planning process. All key persons take weekly observations then use the Development Matters progress tracker every four months. The nursery also take part in the mandatory 2-year check with the Health Visitor. If the child is showing delay of difficulties in any area of development the key person will speak to the SENCO who will instigate an investigatory conversation with the parents, then the SENCO will complete assessment tools alongside the key person.
- How will I be informed and consulted about the ways my child is being supported?
A child’s key person is available to speak to parents/carers during the day; parents/carers also know they can approach their Room Leaders, SENCO or management at any time if they wish.
If the parents have concerns about their child’s learning or development, they are able to contact the SENCO or key person at any time through the child’s daily diary, at pick up/drop off time, email or phone.
The setting also have Parents evenings 3 times a year which gives another opportunity to discuss the progress made and next steps to success!
If the information/observations gathered suggests a child may be experiencing difficulties, then appropriate next steps/options would be discussed during a meeting with the key person, parents/carers and the SENCO. This may involve planning next steps to target a specific area which would then be monitored and reviewed.
- How will the setting adopt the EYFS framework for my child’s needs?
The nursery provides a Curriculum based on the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) using the EYFS overarching principles of Positive relationships, Enabling Environments, and Learning and Development. The Development Matters tracking document is used for all children to ensure developmental progress in all 7 areas of development included in the EYFS. We also use the Statutory Guidance to ensure all legal obligations are fulfilled. The statutory guidance informs settings and parents of their legal obligation in Equal opportunities.
“The EYFS seeks to provide: • Quality and consistency in all early years settings, so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind • A secure foundation through planning for the learning and development of each individual child, and assessing and reviewing what they have learned regularly • Partnership working between practitioners and with parents and/or carers • Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported” (EYFS Statutory Guidance 1/9/2021)
- What teaching strategies does the setting use for children with additional needs or learning difficulties?
The keyperson must observe and assess their key children regularly to fully understand their learning styles, levels, interests and needs so they are able to plan effectively so ensure the child’s full potential.
A stimulating and interesting environment is provided, and children take a leading role in their play as they freely investigate and explore. High quality resources clearly promote learning by appealing to children’s interests.
Activities and provision are adapted to ensure all the children can access what is on offer. Differentiation is used to enable us to meet the developmental needs of the individual child; this is done by task, use of resources, support provided and outcome expectations. Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) or children with speech and language difficulties may also need visual support such as pictures, gestures and facial expressions.
The SENCO has specific training around strategies to support ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) and the Triad of Impairment, Speech and Language delay and disorders, behaviour difficulties and Communication difficulties. These techniques are cascaded back to key persons who are supporting children with these identified needs.
- What additional support does the setting provide for children with SEND or additional needs?
For some children it may include developing a Targeted Plan where specific aims are developed with parents/carers to support a child’s development. In some cases, it may be appropriate to refer the child to outside agencies to ensure relevant support is accessed, with parental consent. A request for guidance from the local inclusion teacher can also be requested and again this is only done with parental consent. Depending on your child’s needs the SENCO is able to work alongside you to gain the support from agencies and professionals who will be able to support your child in the nursery setting or in the home setting. This may include the Local Inclusion Forum Team (LIFT), Health Visitors, THRIVE (THRIVE supports children with their emotional health, well-being and social skills, all of which are needed to enable learning to take place.) Therapy teams (Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy/ENT, Occupational Therapy, Community Paediatrician etc).
This is known as the Graduated Approach.
Currently we have a number of children with Autism Spectrum Condition. (ASC) Consequently inhouse and external, official training about ASC is a whole nursery focus. We use the techniques, ideas, resources and strategies from this training alongside the advice from outside agencies such as Equality and Inclusion Officer (Sue Denney), Specialist Teacher (Kate Pike), Specialist Therapists (Green banks) and THRIVE practitioners to extend our knowledge and capabilities to support these children to fulfil their potential.
- How will the setting monitor my child’s progress and how will I be involved?
Children’s progress is monitored through the observation, assessment and planning process. All key persons take weekly observations then use the Development Matters progress tracker every four months. If the child is showing delay of difficulties in any area of development the key person will speak to the SENCO who will instigate an investigatory conversation with the parents, then the SENCO will complete assessment tools alongside the key person.
Children who have severe learning delays can be tracked using PORTAGE checklist which gives a clearer picture of their developmental progress.
Every time a progress tracker is completed this can be shared with the parents. Three times a year the setting hold a child achievement evening in which the parents can come and see their child’s learning journey, ask questions and be involved in planning their next steps.
- How do you ensure children with additional needs or SEND can be included in the same activities as the other children including trips?
The children go on environmental walks in the local environment when possible during which time all children (within ratio 1:2) are included. The setting has a policy and procedure in place for these outings. If the child has identified needs or may endanger themselves or others the staff ratio would be adjusted to accommodate this. On some occasions parents are asked to provide additional support if we deem it necessary to the safety of the child.
- How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties or wheelchair users?
The building has multiple entrances, one of which is wheelchair accessible. The ground floor is adapted for wheelchair and walker use, including toileting and changing facilities. The first floor is nonviable for a lift/stair lift so inaccessible to wheelchair users except by a staff member carrying the child. Most staff have received moving and handling training to enable safe lifting, carrying and transporting of children and mobility equipment. The ground floor also has room for outside professionals to give training, intense therapy sessions, assessments or multi-agency meetings. The outside area is accessible and adjustable through resources and equipment.
- How will the setting support my child’s transition to a new setting or school?
When your child starts at Fledgelings we send home pictures of the staff in the room they will be in as well as the classroom they will be in. We also request the same from the schools the children will be moving on to.
When a child leaves the setting, which is usually when they move on to school 1 copy of the transition profile is given to parents with 1 copy to be to school with the parent’s permission. Two practitioners will attend the transition meeting with local schools to feedback about the child’s main strengths, friendships and possible additional support needed throughout the transition period.
We encourage teachers from the local schools to come into nursery to observe the children and to speak with the key person in order to ascertain a holistic view of the child and gain an understanding of their personality and personal attributes.
When supporting children with additional needs their Statement (EHCP) and latest targeted learning plans are passed on to the next setting. Additional meetings will be arranged between the SENCO and school which will possibly involve the parents and multiple professionals who support the child.
- How does the setting assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents/carers take part in this evaluation?
The setting complete SEN provision audits provided The Education People to gauge the level of understanding and training needed across all the staff. The parents are asked for regular feedback on the effectiveness of the provision and information given by the setting. The setting has regular observation from the local Inclusion and Specialist Education/Physical Disability team to ensure the setting are meeting each child’s needs.
All the staff and SENCO have regular observations and appraisals from members of the management team. During these appraisals further training needs are discussed to ensure effective provision. This is also an opportunity for feedback from parents to be discussed and implemented.
- Who should I contact if I am considering registering for a place at the setting?
Anne-Marie – Manager
Phone: 01843 853071
Email: fledgelingsnursery@sky.com
We would love to meet you and your child and show you around our setting.
- What arrangements does the setting have for feedback from parent’s/carers, including compliments and complaints?
The setting operates an open-door policy. Parents are able to ring the nursery to speak to the Manager or any member of staff. The parents can also send an email, comment on our social media pages or during pickup or drop-off times. During the parent’s evenings, questionnaires are given to all parents encouraging feedback.
“My daughter has been attending the nursery for 9 months now. She has a rare genetic condition that causes severe global delay amongst many other health conditions. As a result of this she is unable to walk and talk. Although she is almost 3 years old, she has the ability of a 6/9 month old.
Fledgelings have been absolutely amazing with her from the start. They go above and beyond, attending multiple meetings with specialists involved with her care such as Doctors, Physio, Speech and Language etc. They keep me up to date with the next stages for her EHCP which is quite a daunting process for most parents, but I honestly feel like everything is under control and I don’t need to worry. My daughter is seen by many different specialists and each time we have a visitor to the nursery the staff will remind me who they are and why they’re visiting. They have outstanding knowledge when it comes to what specialists need to be involved in your child’s care.
The main fear I had as a parent with a child with special needs attending nursery was feeling like she would be a burden and unwanted at nursery due to her high needs. I know that she definitely makes things more challenging, but I’ve never been made to feel that way. Everyone is always so happy to see her, she is so excited to go to nursery and although she can’t verbally tell me how her day had been, I can just read it from her body language how happy she is.” – Amy T-B
“My daughter has hip dysplasia and needed surgery at 11 months old, followed by 16 weeks in a Spica cast. The cast means she is unable to sit or move around independently. She started at Fledgelings 2 weeks after her surgery and is currently attending in her cast. The staff at fledgelings have been fantastic in ensuring she settled in and have worked with me to understand what adaptations are required to meet her needs. These were detailed in her personal plan and are discussed with me regularly.
The adaptations include using beanbags, cushions, blankets etc to support her in different positions which allow her to play and participate in activities. They move her regularly to avoid pressure sores. They have adapted her sleep environment to ensure her body is fully supported by pillows and follow appropriate guidance for lifting and moving her. They use a chair provided to allow her to eat independently. They also change her nappy on a strict schedule which is critical in ensuring her cast does not become wet.
They have given significant consideration to different positions she can comfortably be in to not only physically support her but also keep her entertained, stimulated and included. As a result, she is thriving in her cast and I am incredibly grateful for the exceptional care they provide.” – Danielle W
‘We are beyond happy that we chose Fledgelings! The SEN provisions provided are absolutely outstanding. Ellie (my son’s SENCO) and the team have really gone above and beyond to help my son progress, and we are really seeing the efforts they have put in starting to pay off. Ellie has an amazing knowledge of the base techniques, but also the creativity to make activities specifically tailored to my son’s interests, to better the chances of obtaining meaningful interactions with him. They have a great understanding of the system and the routes that are available, should a child need them. Without their help I don’t think we would have got the place that my son really needs in a specialist school. I can’t thank Ellie and all the staff at Fledgelings enough for all that they have done for us.’ – Steph F
“Ellie from fledgelings has been and continues to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable. While in the process of having my son diagnosed the SEN team put plans in place specifically for my son to help him. They worked alongside the health visitor to ensure they had enough information for my son to be referred. Now my son had been diagnosed Ellie and the team continue to help with specific plans, help with EHCP and if I have any questions.
I am very happy with the SEN team and appreciate all the work they do.” – Amy G
“Since joining Fledgelings, M has required additional support for many reasons, he has a long history of medical issues since birth and unfortunately has fallen subject to ill health regularly. M has spent a lot of time in hospital and shielding during Covid, which has caused him to experience high anxiety around social environments and also some learning delay. It was a huge step for M to start nursery and all the staff at nursery have been wonderful in helping to ensure this was a smooth process, implementing additional support around M in settling him in to the setting. It was recognised straight away that M gravitated more towards adults than his peers and he was provided with a higher level of one-to-one support in all aspects.
During his earlier days at Fledgelings, some potential SEN were identified. The SENCO acquired information to support this via questionnaire assessments around sensory needs, communication, fine motor and gross motor skills etc. The same was then completed at home with M’s Health Visitor. Fledgelings kindly arranged for a three-way meeting to take place with myself, SENCO and Health Visitor in order to discuss and review the collated information. M’s Health Visitor was also able to visit M at nursery, which again was kindly facilitated by Fledgelings. This helped to build an all-round picture before seeking additional support for M. The SENCO was then able to present M’s case at a multidisciplinary meeting with many professional specialists in their field. The SENCO achieved the outcome desired for M and as a result M was able to access Speech and Language Therapy which is ongoing and has also been seen by a specialist paediatrician, again with ongoing appointments to review where he is sitting in regard to SEN. This would not have happened so effectively and in a timely manner without the hard work from the SENCO. This is an ongoing process and with collective support from many agencies around M his needs are being met and supported, thanks to the efforts of Fledgelings.
Communication levels are high, detailed and continuous, which is so important. Fledgelings have provided contact books for M which I am able to write in prior to each nursery day and in turn his Key Worker is able to report back at the end of each nursery day. Fledgelings hold regular parents/carers evenings and I have attended many meetings with the SENCO and his Key Worker on a one-to-one basis regarding M. In addition to this I am always able to email and reach staff via telephone. M’s Key Worker and SENCO have been able to identify triggers for M during his nursery day, such as increased garden time in the afternoon since moving up a class. M was becoming upset during the second garden time, and his Key Worker deciphered that this was likely due to M thinking it was home time. In that, M has been provided with a slightly different afternoon timetable to the rest of his class where he is able to join his old class instead of going outside prior to the final end of the day garden
time. This seems to have resolved the issue immediately, it is a credit to his Key Worker in being able to attain this and act so efficiently in relieving his upset.
M has an individual targeted plan, which is regularly reviewed within nursery and then with me, ensuring I agree and understand what he is working towards with support. The targets are carefully focused on M’s level of understanding and the areas he needs support developing further.
Staff use several visual aids to support M with transitions and his daily routine, which again has proven to be effective and is now something I utilise at home.
SENCO staff at Fledgelings always ensure his Health Plan is updated regularly, with any changes in relation to his physical conditions such as medication levels and diagnoses. Staff have supported when M needs to use his inhaler and also when he has been on any additional medication in the day.
M receives some additional DAF funding at nursery around his health needs via DLA, this has been used to support M with equipment and play activities around his interests and also areas that staff are working on with him to improve. Again, these resources are sought and purchased by Fledgelings solely to support M. The SENCO has also provided supportive statements towards M’s DLA application which has helped him be successful in receiving his additional support.
It is without a doubt that M would not have access to all the support agencies he does at this time without the efforts put in by Fledgelings. The progress he has made in many areas would not have been possible without their support, I feel at ease and reassured with M in their care despite his complex health history and additional needs. The staff are passionate about their job and the children they look after and teach daily, and this shows on a daily basis. Their guidance and support are invaluable.
Currently we continue to liaise around the next big step for M in support he may require in moving to Primary School. Again, the SENCO ensures I am informed of all potential routes and support available.” – Laura M